We're NON-REG, So What??!!!

Well, menurut lo apa sih perbedaan reguler dan non-reguler? 
Money? Status? The Style? What...umm...intelligence??? HAH! jangan bikin gue ketawa.
Entah kenapa kebanyakan anak2 reguler selalu memandang rendah anak non-reg. Gak jarang para dosen juga. Kenapa? Ada apa? Apa yang salah dengan menjadi anak non-reg? Well, bagi gue g ada yang salah. Gue bangga-bangga aja. 
So, apa masalahnya?

Jadi begini...., waktu itu ada temen yang nelpon gue dan nanyain adik gue keterima SIMAK apa nggak. Terus, gue jawab kalo dia keterima. Wah, temen gue ikut seneng gitu. Dan inilah percakapan kami kurang lebih:
dia: "Iya? Keterima? Weisss....jurusan apa?"
gue: "Iya. Jurusan Psikologi."
dia: "Wah, gila! Keren!! REGULER, KAN?!!!"
gue: "Nggak. Non-reg..."
dia: (intonasi melemah) "oh..."
gue: jagxvwuyILWIUOD;lzalkd!!!!!

What The Hell??!!! What's your problem, man?!! Kesan yang dia beri ke gue itu seolah-olah non-reg itu rendahan, jelek. Tanggapan dia semakin memberi kesan kayak adik gue telah keterima di universitas paling jelek se-indonesia. Hal ini ngebuat gue emosi. 
Kejadian kayak gitu juga sering dialami gue dan anak-anak non-reg lainnya, nggak hanya adik gue. Jadi, gue tanya sekali lagi deh buat kalian yang memiliki sikap sinis dengan kami, Apa sih masalah lo?
Apa nggak pernah ada yang tau kalilmat 'jangan menilai buku dari kovernya'? 
Atau emang masalahnya sebenarnya dari kalian2 sendiri wahai si sinis??

Perlu kalian, kita, renungin lagi bahwa kita harus menghargai orang lain. Kalau diri sendiri masih belum bisa menghargai orang lain, bagaimana kamu bisa berharap kalau orang lain akan menghargaimu? 
Terakhir, manusia itu semuanya sama, yang membedakan hanya dia yang berbuat baik dan dia yang berbuat jahat. 

Wow, I'm proud of being a Non-Reg!!! NR FTW!!!!!

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Wedding Party=Buffet Party

Yeah. It's like what it said: Wedding Party = Buffet Party. Why? Uh-uh, you dunno why?are you sure?? 
Well, every time I come to someone Wedding Party, i always can eat what i want. drink what i want... 
and see what i want! (the handsome guy thing!) lol.
I even don't have to pay. Plus, I can dance as long the music is on~~ 
It's all about party!!!
Like what my Dad said: Nikmati waktumu, ini hanya setahun sekali. Dan, puas-puasinlah kamu makan!!! 


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Promosi FanFic baruuuu!!!

Hi, Friends!!! Long time no see!!!! ^^
It has been one year since we filled this blog, but after the hectic time that we had...uh, you know the next story.
So, for welcoming this beautiful Spring May....Jajjann!!!! 
I wanna introduce you guys with my new Fic. I will put a short cap in this blog. Please comment if you willing to ^^ cause it can be a good push for me~
So, here it is:

My Bubble Love


It has been two days since I didn’t eat any food. I’m so terrible sad to do anything, not only eating, but also breathing. In these two days, I just slept and didn’t move even for an inch. Somehow, I hope that they can take me with them. To there, up to the sky.


My grandpa and grandma, who always take care of me, died two days ago. That car…
I wish I could do something back then, to save my beloved family from that car accident. But, I can’t. And this thought made me felt even worse.


I heard a door upon me opened. Then, sound of that person steps upon the stair slowly reached me. After ten steps, the person stopped. It sounds like the person is sitting on the stair? I dunno, I still closed my eyes, pretend to be dead.
I heard a few sighed, then the person leaved a frustration scream so that I know the person is a boy.

Suddenly, someone’s hand raised me and put me on her/his lap. I felt a hand stroked me smoothly.

“I know you’re not dead. You’re still breathing.” He spoke. “Are you feel lonely, too?” he asked me.

I am really a loner since two days ago.

“I’m feeling so lonely even though many people around me. I didn’t know what’s wrong with me. It feels like there’s a little hole in my heart and its getting bigger now. Was it about my path? If I thought about it again, there’s always many question pop up in my head. Whether I choose the right path or not. What do you think?”

Maybe you didn’t do it properly. Your job.

“I must be crazy talking this with you.” He laughed at himself. The frustration tone in his voice seems a bit vanished.
“It’s strange, but I feel more relax after talked that thing with you. We should be friend, then!” he raised me higher which made me open my eyes slowly. So then I realized that he faced me.
“Hello! Nice too met you! My name is Son DongWoon, 20 years old. I’m now debuting as a boy band group. Hope we can be a good everlasting friend!”
I stared at him who smile nicely. I smiled back at him, but of course he will never recognize it. And my heart lighten up a little, realized that I won’t be a loner again.
“If you accept me to be your friend, I promise to you that I’ll be often to visit you here.” He assured me.
My stomach started to growl.
“And bring you food.” He laughed.

I admitted that you’re such a crazy boy who really wanted to be friend with a lonely cat like me. And I admitted, since you gonna visit me more..and bring me some food, I’d like to be your friend.

“Meow…” I softly replied to him.  

How? What do you think? interesting? hmm...

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