Wednesday's story

Oh, Oh....I'm so lazy to go to univ today. I'm afraid to meet my friends :(. Dunno why. 
I don't feel like I'm belong to there, I mean FIB. My first time in there, I thought I had a freedom, yet I was trapped. 
I love my close friends there. But, I HATE my major. 
I hate myself too, to become a coward like this: still couldn't tell my parents.
Life is on the way~ 


I just want to go out and take a walk. 
I need to breath, to have my mind straight again. I need a break, before I'm break. 

"now I lay me down to sleep, 
I pray thee Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray thee Lord my soul to take.
If I should live in other days,
I pray thee Lord to guide my ways."




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